Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy Any Small Business | Entrepreneurship Guide

Video Marketing Strategy
Video Marketing Strategy

Video Marketing Strategy by Wyzowl shows that 68% of respondents chose video as their preferred method of learning about businesses, products, or services.

As a business owner in Sydney, Australia, you will need video production services in Sydney that can help you produce marketing videos for outreaches that target a wider audience range within and outside of Australia and also focuses on significantly boosting your sales.

In this post, you will find out what makes a video effective for marketing campaigns and outreaches, and also learn about essential video production tips to guide you when making marketing videos.

What is video marketing?

Effective Video Marketing Strategy
Effective Video Marketing Strategy

Video marketing is using videos as a marketing tool to carry out marketing outreaches, campaigns, advertisements, or promotions. Video marketing has a high acceptance rate amongst marketers and audiences due to its high audience engagement rate and its ability to educate using a combo of audio, videos, graphics, infographics, etc.

Tips for making a good marketing video

  1. Keep it short and simple (KISS)

Short, 30-second videos are best at grabbing attention; this probably explains TikTok’s overnight success. Your ability to produce short, attention-grabbing, straight-to-the-point, emotionally impacting videos can make a difference in your business. Note: remember to keep your video short and simple, devoid of irrelevant details, plots, and twists.

  1. Know your audience

Your video should have goals that target a specific category of audience. This makes it crucial to know your target audience and what they want. For example, TikTok’s most prominent users are between the ages of 18 to 24 years. These categories of people love short videos. To make your video relevant, you should ask the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience? 
  • How, when, and where will they be viewing your video?
  • What is their video preference (how would they want the message delivered)?
  1. Use a gripping story to capture your audience’s attention

A story with a relatable storyline is effective in getting your audience’s attention. It gives your video a human side your audience can relate to and also help your audience to build trust. When using a storyline, it should:

  • Incorporate a gripping story to capture your audience’s attention
  • Have the element of surprise; it can be the appearance of an unexpected character, scene, or even message.
  • Be inspiring, memorable, and compelling
  • Use music and visuals to invoke emotion in your audiences
  • Crown your story with a call to action that aligns with your goal.
  1. State your goals for producing a video

Goals make your achievement measurable. Therefore, it is essential to state your goals before planning and producing your marketing video to help you measure the level of success you have achieved and give you an idea of the next step to take.

When stating your goals, you should keep in mind metrics like viewers’ demography, click-through rate, web traffic, watch time, play rate, likes, comments, and shares because they are essential in helping you evaluate your success rate.

Stages of Video Marketing Strategy

  1. Create brand awareness videos

A sales funnel has awareness at the top, and what better way to create far-reaching awareness in the minds of your audiences than a brand awareness video? Not forgetting, a brand awareness video should capture your audience’s attention and project your brand image and identity in ways that creates unforgettable memories in their heart. One best way to do this is by creating brand awareness videos that solve your audience’s problems.

  1. Create educative and engaging videos

After capturing your audience’s attention, your next focus should be on engaging and building your audience’s interest enough to convert your audience to prospective customers or clients.

One way of doing this is by creating videos that educate, engage and build a strong relationship with your audience. Such video types can be conversion videos on landing pages, promotional videos, product demos, explainer videos, webinars, or case study videos.

  1. Create CTA videos that inform your audiences of the next step to take

Call-to-action (CTA) videos are videos that convert your prospects to customers or clients by convincing them to purchase a product or patronize your services. CTA videos include video testimonials, product demos, or explainer videos.

  1. Create videos that convert customers or clients to brand loyalists

Your goal should go beyond closing a sale or a deal to transforming your customers into brand loyalists willing to patronize you over and again and also recommend your business to others. Such video types can be onboarding videos that explain how your product or services work, an educational course that adds value to your customers, or even a thank you video.

Final thoughts

Having acquired the necessary information you need to guide you in your next marketing video production, your next step should focus on locating a video production company that can convert your marketing ideas and strategies into a high-converting marketing video.