While many people are yet not familiar with how useful SEO can be for optimizing the website content they are uploading, most businesses have already grasped the concept of search engine optimization and are using it to their fullest potential to get all that traffic and landing on their pages.
Yoast SEO plugin review & Yoast Plugin Setup guide
IF you’re someone who wants to get their websites, blog posts, business page, and the likes of it all optimized and ready for getting more traffic, you’ll eventually need a search engine optimization tool. Now, there are loads of them available on the internet, while we’ll be covering vastly about Yoast in this article and provide you with a Yoast plugin setup guide for understanding how it can be made to work in the best way possible for your level of requirements.
If you’re willing to browse through your possible options of SEO plugins and get a good grasp on Yoast SEO plugin review and how to use it, you have come to the right place. This article will guide you through a number of Yoast SEO plugin review and the very basics of setting up the SEO plugin with this Yoast Plugin Setup guide that has been simplified to its elemental form for anybody to be able to understand the process very easy.
Yoast Plugin
The Yoast Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a plugin tool for WordPress. Originally developed as WordPress SEO in 2007 by Joost de Valk, who is an SEO consultant, it was renamed Yoast SEO in 2012.
With over five million active users and downloaded hundreds of million times, it is one of the most widely popular SEO plugins. The Yoast SEO plugin is an invaluable tool for any self-hosted WordPress site. Yoast SEO, while being free to use, also provides additional functionality with a premium subscription although it is not necessary to purchase as the main tools that you will be using are free.
Whether you are running it on your personal blog or managing a website for your client, the Yoast SEO is a powerful tool, devised to help you optimize your website effortlessly and become search-friendly. If you want to check what’s going on behind your back on the websites and the content you are maintaining on the website, you should take a look at the health check for the website to see whether you’ll need any improvements or changes to it or not.
The Yoast SEO plugin review guide which we are walking you through in the form of this article will cover more about the features and how to set up this plugin so you’d really want to take a better look at possible links of the plugin to your website.
How to Set Up Yoast SEO Plugin

This Yoast plugin setup guide will show you all the necessary steps to get through with activating a Yoast SEO plugin to configuring it in an optimum manner as per your requirements and needs. The process of setting up this SEO plugin for your website is briefly discussed as follows:
1. Install your Yoast SEO Plugin and activate it. After you’re done activating the SEO plugin, it is time to start setting up this powerful plugin step by step.
2. The first thing you have to do is data transfer, and this is the most crucial and fundamental part of setting up your plugin. You have to make sure that all your previous data has been successfully transferred to this plugin before you plan on deactivating or uninstalling the other plugin you’re using for SEO.
3. Take a look at the general settings and you’ll notice the configuration wizard open up. Now, you can close the set-up wizard if you’re a pro, but if you’re new to it, you might want to take a look through what they walk you.
4. Since Yoast comes with a lot of features, you’ll want to be aware of what’s put on and which ones are disabled. By default, all the features are turned on. These features include SEO Analysis, Readability Analysis, Cornerstone content, XML Sitemaps, Admin bar menu, Security, tet link counter, and many more.
5. Next up is the webmaster tool and search appearance. You can get to add a meta tag here by simply adding the meta code you got from the search engines in the required fields. Search appearance has quite some options which you may want to explore a bit in-depth for yourself to know which ones are about to be more suitable for you, including media, taxonomies, content types, and so on.
6. Then come the search console and social tabs which will be useful for social media content optimization. After that, you can see tools that will help you carry out certain tasks and functions like importing and exporting SEO data, bulk editor, redirects, and so on.
7. This Yoast SEO plugin review will also help you go through more of the details which you’ll find important when it comes to understanding the features. After you’re done browsing through most of it, you can optimize your posts and pages but customizing the settings for each post. You can also optimize the taxonomies for SEO and eCommerce products using Yoast.
Features of Yoast SEO Plugin
This article is not only a Yoast plugin setup guide, but it also covers the basic features you will be getting from the Yoast SEO plugin. The features include an internal linking suggestion, ability to be using multiple keywords, redirecting manager for setting up redirects very easily, XML news sitemaps which include images, configurable removal of post types and taxonomies, link clean up which is also permanent, meta bots configuration like noodp, noydir, noindex, nofollow and many more.
Yoast SEO is a highly comprehensive SEO plugin for WordPress. Not only it is versatile when it comes to usage, but it also provides the user with a great experience when using it.
With all the built-in tools and configurations, you can easily customize it the way you want to get the best out of your optimization experience on the website.
You can also get a good amount of breadcrumb support and configurable breadcrumb titles along with focus keyword testing. Yoast SEO plugin also provides the users with google search result previews in the form of snippets so it can be super useful to anyone who wants to take a quick look at what’s going on within their content.