The first complete trailer for Thor Love and Thunder has arrived
It finds a new viewpoint on Chris Hemsworth's eponymous hero's
This time, we also get a good look at Christian Bale as Gorr the God
Butcher, a cosmic assassin "who desires the destruction of the gods."
Additional glimpses of Valkyrie Tessa Thompson interacting with Jane Foster, Natalie Portman, who wields Mjolnir,
As seen in the teaser trailer and a fleeting flash of some Guardians of the Galaxy buddies
So, who is Mighty Thor, and what has Jane been up to for the previous eight years, seven months, and six days?
We don't know yet, but aside from the return of director Taika Waititi's vivid colour palette from Thor: Ragnarok,
There appears to be a Snyder Cut-Esque black-and-white portion in-store when Gorr goes off against the MCU heroes.
Unsurprisingly, none of these aspects is as significant as a finger flick from Zeus Russell Crowe.
Thor Love and Thunder, which opens in cinemas on July 8, 2022, will feature all of those above and Taika Waititi as Korg.